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Career success
and well-being

Does Your Mindset Need a Tune Up?
Have you ever stopped to wonder if your mindset is getting in the way to reaching your full potential? According to Dr Carol Dweck there are two basic mindsets – growth and fixed. Having a growth mindset sees all situations as opportunities to grow and continually...

Career Transitioning Like a Pro – part 1
Changing careers can be daunting for some while exciting for others. Maybe your role has been made redundant, or perhaps you feel you’re destined for more and its time for a change. Whatever your reason, being self-aware and establishing an organised approach to job...

How to do a LinkedIn Video Cover Story Like a Pro
As LinkedIn introduces its newest feature, a video cover story – you might be wondering how to maximise this opportunity. Let’s face it – doing a great video isn’t easy. Here are some tips to help…

Steel Those Interview Nerves With These Simple Tips
Nerves are a normal part of any interview. Preparation helps, but the truth is if those butterflies are in full flight, being well prepared only does so much – so what other actions can you take to calm your farm?

How to Interview and Work for a Really Great Company
2020 was a year where the way a company treats its employees was transparent, and has left more people thinking about the kind of organisation they want to work as part of in the future.

Prepping for ‘Adaptability’ and ‘Agility’ Interview Questions
COVID has put a new focus on adaptability as a key skill for success in the workplace. So what types of questions can you expect in the interview to assess your strengths in agility and how should you respond?

Improve Your Video Interview Impact with these 4 Body Language Tricks
If you have a video interview coming up you are not alone - they have become the COVID norm. The video interview might be safe and convenient but they can make personal connection building more difficult. We've all been there - the uncomfortable moment you both talk...

Forget ‘Spray & Pray’. Use the ‘Aim & Frame’ job search method
We used to say job search is a 'numbers' game. Now we say differently. The old adage of applying in bulk to as many job board vacancies as you can find is inefficient, and worse ineffective. Why? Because it dilutes your energy, focus, and impact. If you are applying...

5 Quick Tips to Improve Your Resume Impact
Sometimes a few small changes can instantly improve your results.Sally came to me frustrated. She had put together a solid resume. It was well written, had no mistakes and contained all the key sections a good resume should. Yet, she was getting zero interviews. The...

Your resume is your PITCH – not your story
When is a resume that's winning interviews not a good resume? It can be deceiving. Recently I was working with an executive whose resume seemed stellar. When I read it, I could see how valuable she'd appear to hirers looking for her expertise, and I knew job offers...